How do I convert USD to CAD with Interchange Financial?

If this is your first time using our USD to CAD service, you can use the calculator on our home page to see our live rates and see exactly how much you will receive.  If you like our exchange rates, you can sign up for a free account with just a few clicks.  Click on Get Started to start the process.  You can also sign up calling or visiting us to receive more information about our company or to sign up with one of our representatives.

Once you are signed up, you can log in and convert USD to CAD and save over bank exchange rates.  You will know when you are booking exactly how much you will pay and how much you will receive in the other currency.  You will also receive a confirmation email telling you exactly how much you are paying and how much you are receiving. There are no fees or commitments associated with signing up or booking.  What you see is exactly how much you will receive. When confirmed the exchange is reflected in your own accounts three business days later.  You can also begin the process by calling us or visiting us at one of our locations.